Jun 5Liked by Kveller

Favorite old time tv is I love Lucy, fave current series is A Gentleman in Moscow.

Last thing I watched is Unsilenced on Izzy

I love Jerry Seinfeld and Jon Stewart.

I can’t stand ‘curb your enthusiasm’ or Mrs Maisel… They make me cringe.

Worst Jewish representation-Larry David

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Favorite TV show of all time is probably “All in the Family.” It was absolutely revolutionary. As a teen in the 70’s the whole family would gather together to watch it.

Last thing I watched: The Bear. First two seasons are fantastic (I was in the restaurant industry for 10 years). The 3rd season isn’t that great. . . so far.

What’s with all the “Maisel” hate? I loved that show!!

Never watched “Friends.”

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The worst is Mrs. Wolowitz, Howard's mother on the Big Bang Theory, not only is she described as physically repulsive ( especially in terms of her obesity) her behavior is repulsive ( manipulative, intrusive,etc) . She has no redeeming characteristics ( aside from being a "wheel savant" the one time she is described as being kind abd welcoming to Raj the description is quickly followed by a comment hinting that she is actually racist. Leonard's cold tight assed mother is nonetheless, a world famous psychiatrist and is widely ( although not universally) respected, including by Sheldon. Whereas Sheldon's mother is portrayed as a narrow minded "religious nut' she can be sweet and at least two intelligent male characters find her attractive. She like Keonard's mother is respected. Mrs. Wollowitz is a far worse representation of a,Hewish person than Ross G

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Nobody has mentioned Lilith!

And the fact that Frasier is happy to have Freddy raised Jewish. Of course the *best* episode is ‘Star Mitzvah’. (Frasier asks colleague Noel to translate the speech he wrote for Freddy’s Bar Mitzvah in to Hebrew as a surprise. Unfortunately Noel is angry with Frasier - and translates it in to Klingon - hilarity ensues)

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ooops I meant Lilith is the best -

the whole Mrs Maisel clan are the worst - totally the pits

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All this Ross Geller revisionist history from people who (probably) weren't watching it at the time it originally aired! I kid, but really...

When you watched Friends as it aired, you rooted for Ross and Rachel to get together. It was the ultimate nerd makes good plot. Ross was also saddled with a monkey, an ex wife (and much made of the fact that she was now a lesbian and that her partner and Ross hated each other. And a kid who appeared when convenient) as well as a nerdy job. That's everything but the kitchen sink, and a lot to overcome.

Is he the best? No. But not the worst either.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Favorite tv show - Twilight Zone

Last thing I watched - We Were the Lucky Ones on Hulu

Favorite Jewish tv character - Larry David on Curb Your Enthusiasm

Most unpopular opinion - I hated The West Wing

Worst Jewish representation - Rachel Brosnahan as Mrs. Maisel. So miscast. Ruined the whole show for me.

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