Just once, if there must be an inter, can't the guy be the goy and the woman Jewish? The Bridget loves Bernie/Abie's Irish Rose plot deserves to find the outbox. Better yet, how about they're both Jewish?

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For the former, this is something I loved about Jenny Slate's Obvious Child, its like...the only movie I can think of that does it well (and for good measure isn't about a Jewish single trying to escape a pathologically stifling Jewish community). If a film is going to play in stereotypes I'm dying for the 19th c British lit ones to come back into fashion, where Jewish women are all very sexy and desirable damsels in distress

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We got it once on TV in "The Nanny" but we deserve more! And agree that "Obvious Child" is one of the best examples of that in a romcom

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We live in Melbourne Aus and I was waiting to catch this show so yesterday 26th we watched a few episodes. During the first episode my hubbie said this is a show for you Rosie more a girlie show but by the end of episode 2 the series was growing on him. OK it is a sugary sweet show but in the tumultuous times around the world that we are all experiencing it is so good to escape to a fairy tale story like this. Love Kristin Bell and Adam Brody and there is enough violence we sees on TV so tonight after Shabbat dinner we will eagerly keep watching. Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova to all who read this - May the New year bring peace to the world.

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Is the show any less like, stereotypical and misogynistic toward Jewish women than the trailer came off?

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I don't have the best of news for you, my friend...

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*BIG SIGH* Well...I guess we'll always have the nice stills of Rabbi Adam Brody

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I will give you this: It does try to paint most of these Jewish women as full and likeable characters and by the end of the show, I ended up liking Rebecca (the rabbi's mythological Jewish ex who does something truly unhinged in episode one) and Esther (the rabbi's Jewish sister in law who does the whole whore #1, #2 in the trailer). But it absolutely did not do a good job of being aware about harmful stereotypes about Jewish women and try to subvert them, whereas it was very considered when it came to Brody's character.

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I loved the show. Watched it a second time. The humor was great. I laughed so hard I almost didn't make it to the bathroom. Looking forward to watching more like this. I am a proud Jewish woman.

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I just read an article where the author went through every episode and fact checked the Judaism, then I read two articles from Kveller about the show. I'm surprised no one mentioned the basketball game being on Saturday. It was light outside when Joanne walked into the game.

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