Sep 5Liked by Lior Zaltzman

I couldn’t watch Beauty Queen of Jerusalem, interpersonal cruelty is not my thing. And that MIL was just worst.

Not going to watch Kissifum either. I just need to turn on the news and there is enough horror I don’t need to see it in the movies. Sorry. I’m sure it’s wonderful and she is terrific but I just can’t right now

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That makes a lot of sense and totally valid. And I agree that some of the human cruelty on "Beauty Queen" is hard to stomach! You can also see her on "Bros" which is on Netflix right now which might be more of a fun distraction?

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Sep 7Liked by Lior Zaltzman

Looking forward to the next episode Beauty Queen!

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Sep 6Liked by Lior Zaltzman

Have watched both The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem and Kissifum and was particularly touched by Kissifum and some of the prophetic lines in it that could be applied to the horrors of October 7 - Swell is a great little actress

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Yes, my jaw definitely dropped at some of the lines!

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Sep 5Liked by Lior Zaltzman

LOVED Beauty Queen! Binge watched that at least 3 times. Identified so much w/the family, made me homesick. ( lived in Israel 3 yrs.. on a kibbutz) So yes will watch Kissufim, however, w/current tragic events it may be a hard pill to swallow? I think it may be a bitter/sweet watch.?

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Heartbreaking and beautiful too, I didn't find it too hard to watch, it's a love letter to the kibbutz which is so so nice, I think a lot of it will look familiar to you if you've lived on one!

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Sep 5Liked by Lior Zaltzman

I watched the Beauty Queen of Jerusalem in its entirety. I will definitely watch Kissifim even though it will probably be upsetting. I am so glad that I joined Chai Flicks.

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What is Chai Flicks?

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It is a subscription service that shows Israeli films. You can go to their website to check it out - chaiflicks.com

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Wow! This is a treasure trove. Thx. My husband is Israeli so we consume a fair share of tv and films from Israel. Subtitles are a must for me since everyone speaks way too fast

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Author

Yes, ChaiFlicks has some really wonderful content, including "Kafka" which is may be my favorite show of the year! So does Izzy: https://www.streamisrael.tv/

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I will have to check this film out!

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Sep 5Liked by Lior Zaltzman

I’ve watched most of the Beauty Queen of Jerusalem. It didn’t give me the warmth of Shtisel but was interesting. The sad thing was the same division between the Ashkenazim and Sephardim that is seen in Beauty Queen still exists in Shtisel although the shows are set in different time frames. Some things don’t change!

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Sep 5Liked by Lior Zaltzman

The film was stunning in its depiction of the beautiful and courageous young Israelis, who demonstrate such joy and love amidst such incredible danger. It is difficult to watch without tears, in light of 10/7.

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Yes! Thank you for this. Always on the lookout for Israeli films.

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I just had a chance to meet Swell Or yesterday at an Israel Bond lunch. She is even more beautiful in person and smart as a whip! I'm glad there's another season of "Beauty Queen." She wouldn't tell us.

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She's brilliant!

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