Jun 14Liked by Molly Tolsky, Kveller

I'm with Molly on this on - it's Morty Seinfeld for me. And Jerry's mother Helen, played by Liz Sheridan (who I just learned from imdb was a quarter Ashkenazi!), was the best Jewish mother with the best Jewish mother line ("How could anyone not like you?"), which she said incredulously to Jerry on more than one occasion.

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Jun 14Liked by Kveller

Johnny Rose definitely. I am also very partial to Abe Weissman

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Jun 14Liked by Kveller

Character played by a Jew: Ben Cartwright

Character: Mr. Maisel

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Murray Goldberg and Pops

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Phil Rosenthal

Shelley Berman (Larry's dad on Curb your Enthusiasm)

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Morty RULES... Jewish community can sprout and grow incredibly strong ANYWHERE. It's part of the beauty of a People that have survived everything -- because of who they are. Today, Ross Marks writes about how it happened to him -- and changed his life: https://shorturl.at/wbsl2

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Adam Sandler is my favorite Jewish dad! The Hanukkah Song was always on the radio in December (a few times it played on my birthday) and I would get so much joy from hearing it on the way to school

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Uncle Leo! 😂🤣

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Jerry Stiller as Frank Costanza. Yes he is not supposed to be.

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The father on Numbers played by Judd Hirsch

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